Aug - Oct, 2023Software Engineer Intern
- Developed scalable microservices in Typescript, Golang and Python
- Collaborated with Meta (Facebook) on a comprehensive study on using our pipeline for ads
- Reduced Ad Spending and increased Customer spending by 70%
- Developed a proprietory deduplication service with Redis & Golang reducing memory usage by almost 90% to ~4kb per event
Skills Used:
GolangPythonTypescriptAWSSystem DesignDockerDevOps

Feb - Apr, 2023FullStack Developer Intern
- Directly worked under CTO of Unacademy
- Developed Cohesive, an AI platform that was ranked #2 in ProductHunt for its entire release week
- Developed EmailGenie, a cold-email generating tool that personalizes content with AI and LinkedIn profile of the recipient, converting 200+ customers on its release
- Selected as one of 7 / 5000+ applicants, and recognized as one of the best interns that were put to work on flagship product under the CTO
Skills Used:

Chance Trades
Sep - Jan, 2021FullStack Freelancer
- Negotiated the contract worth $2500 with the company in 10th grade
- Migrated the HTML/CSS website being deployed to Heroku, to fully dynamic React deployed to dedicated Cloud server
- Scaled the server to handle load of hundreds of thousands of requests / second
- Reduced the loading times of options data from almost 15 seconds to under 3 seconds with SQL optimisations and lazy loading
Skills Used: